Gameplay: You must defend the city of Atlantis from invading spaceships.
Mythology: In the end, when there were just too many enemies to stand against, the surviving inhabitants of Atlantis fled to the stars as their great utopia sank beneath the waves.
Cthulhu Atari! The Great Old Ones came
to Earth and conquered the Elder Gods.
Now Cthulhu sleeps. "His dark house is the great city under the waters."
Ocean City
Gameplay: See Atlantis
Mythology: See Atlantis
Cthulhu Atari! Cthulhu works on many
different levels at once. This cracked code
ripoff of Atlantis allowed the poorer,
unwasheder masses to reenact his coming of
power known as the "Great Time of the
Togoing to Bed."
Base Attack
Gameplay: You must destroy the labyrinthian metropolis, essentially block by block.
Mythology: The city is too large for your small attack force to completely obliterate. You must cause as much devastation as possible and hope that one day others of your kind will take up the fight where you left off.
Cthulhu Atari! You must prepare R'lyeh for Cthulhu's arrival by removing all opposing forces
from his place of slumber.
Gameplay: See Base Attack
Mythology: See Base Attack
Cthulhu Atari! Atlantis--hah! Sink, baby,
sink! I got your ancient Roman myth right
here. Oh yeah.
Bermuda Triangle
Gameplay: Recover ancient, sunken artifacts while avoiding squid and u.f.o.'s.
Mythology: The remnants of lost civilizations wait silently at the bottom of the sea. Could they be the keys to unlock the past? Many hazards stand between you and the answer.
Cthulhu Atari! Vessels of the ancients try
to stop you from finding the relics of their
presence on earth. They command the giant sharks and primitive spawn which seek to devour
your entire craft, as well as the exploding stars. Beware! Some of the artifacts were not meant
for human contact. But do you know the going market price on unnamable idols? Go for it!
Gameplay: None: The screen is frozen, the machine is silent, yet it paints a horrible picture of the madness which rests beneath the surface.
Mythology: An underwater kingdom still stands after millenia. Who built it and what wonders remain unexplored within?
Cthulhu Atari! The turrets of the gates of
R'lyeh are closer than you think. For they
lie just behind your waking.
Gameplay: Seek ancient treasure from the ocean depths while avoiding deadly encounters with enemies both natural and unnatural!
Mythology: Even the greatest of man's technology succumbs to nature's attacks.
Cthulhu Atari! The Cult of Cthulhu tries
to stop you from recovering the past which
rests on the ocean floor. While the waters' natural inhabitants impede your way, it is the Spawn
of Cthulhu which swims the murky bottomswirl that you must fear. Aghast! Cthulhu has sent his
greater minions to destroy you. And they are unaffected by the blast of your ship's weapons!
Gameplay: Flee from the evil squid!
Mythology: Flee from the evil squid!
Cthulhu Atari! Cthulhu has sent his earthly
effigies to stop the dolphin from warning
the populous of his waking. Find Ecco!
(Which was inspired by this game. At
Ecco's finale, you fight Yog-sothoth for the
freedom of your family)
Scuba Diver also sold as Sea Hunt
Gameplay: The power of this program was
too much for our simple emulator.
Mythology: Stories of killer fish of abnormal shape and size have existed as long as mankind has fished.
Cthulhu Atari!: Is that the mighty Cthulhu
at the bottom! And what is that purple
thingy lurking to the left of the screen?
Could it be Narlypoop, the krulling kaos?
Sea Monsters
Gameplay: Destroy the spawn! This is the underwater 80's version of Doom (but not really).
Mythology: Who knows what evil awaits just beneath the waves? Bwa-ha-ha-ha, eh,
wait a minute; haven't we already used that cliche'?
Cthulhu Atari! Merpeople, octothings,
deepwater spawn swimming about, plus
strange flashing underwater lights--suboceanic will o' wisps, perhaps?
Gameplay: Save the divers from the sharks and enemy subs, in your own yellow submarine.
Mythology: The eerie color and amazing speed of the varying species of shark which infest these waters can only mean on thing--
they are not of this earth!
Cthulhu Atari! Fight sentient, alien
cybersubs and demon shark spawn. Only
Scooby Doo can save you now.
Shark Attack
Gameplay: Grab as many gold coins from the underwater labyrinth as you can.
Mythology: "Greed is good." You dirty basstage.
Cthulhu Atari! Collect star stones from
sunken halls of the city of R'lyeh. Beware
of the mutant sharkers.
Wall Defender
Gameplay: Defend the walls.
Mythology: Giant mutant alligators and cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers are the last of your worries.
Cthulhu Atari! Spawn in the sewers!
Duke Nukem ripped off this early game for
one of their levels. But then, Duke is a
fhtagin' rip off of Ash from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness. So, either way, "Come get some!"
Gameplay: Shoot the fish with your spear gun and get to the sunken chest at the bottom before you run out of air.
Mythology: Those brilliantly colored tropical fish are deadly! Modern technology has allowed us to probe the dark depths and we have discovered the Fang Tooth and Angler. Nightmare fishes come true!
Cthulhu Atari! Beware the funny fishies who get faster and faster once you fry them. Watch out
for the merbitch and most of all--HURRY! The Cthurtle at the top is racing toward your air
supply to destroy it! We like to use lots of exclamation points! Did you notice that!?! It's like
bad 50's B-movie previews! But we love it!!! And be sure to look for David Lynch's new film
about Cthulhu, "Aqua Velvet"
. . .and finally
Name Game
Gameplay: You must protect your treasure from the smiling octopus, avoid the hook of the happy/psycho fisherman, and evade the shuttle sharks with the extra sets of teeth. Look at the size of those choppers!
Mythology: Menacing tentacles of the gigantic octopus are reaching down to squeeze the life out of you. It's
"2600 Leagues Under the Sea" baby!
Cthulhu Atari! This is it! The final confrontation with Cthulhu himself. He sends forth his infinite number of tentacles to cover you in his cosmic blackness and prevent you from stealing the star stones; all with a wicked smile on his face. Know that you can keep Mighty Cthulhu at bay, but you can never destroy him.
Eventually, you will succumb to his insanity-aaaaaaauuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!