Cthulhu fhtagn = Cthulhu dreams (zzzzz-boring).
Cthulhu Atari = Cthulhu Go!
The Great Old Ones are up and lookin' to party! We are being
slowly desensitized to the idea of total, spiritual enslavement by
otherplanar beings. First were the Lovecraft books and the
subsequent tale reweavers. Then the B-film Yog-Sothoths. The
latest step has been his emergence in video games, and he has
been there since the beginning--we give you:
CTHULHU ATARI! 2600 Leagues Under the Sea
Victims of the Great Green Corruptor
This page is Necronomicopyrighted as of 1/13/1 by Failstorm Industries
"Corrupting the world one soul at a time"